Danielle Miller
Please add location tagging to posts. This is super important for our local business clientele.
Natacha from Rella
Merged in a post:
Tag location
I requested this too. Would really like location tagging.
Natacha from Rella
Merged in a post:
Instagram/FB Location
Joyce de Vries
Is it possible to add the location to your posts? I really want people nearby to find me.
Natacha from Rella
Merged in a post:
Add geotags for IG and FB posts
Moanna Adams
Our clients are in real estate so geotags are super important for their reach. It would be great if we could add a location to posts.
Natacha from Rella
Merged in a post:
Geotagging for Instagram and Facebook posts
Moanna Adams
We work with a lot of realtors so being able to tag specific cities they work in is super important.